The AchieveIt platform provides a public REST API that allows you to automate the process of publishing data to your plans and plan items as well as exporting plan data from the system.
You will need to meet the following prerequisites in order to access the REST API. These are managed by AchieveIt and can only be enabled by request.
- Have API access enabled on your AchieveIt organization account.
- Have an API key and an "API Account": The API Account is an AchieveIt user to which changes made via the API are associated.
- Designate a point of contact within your organization that will be associated with the API connection. This point of contact is who AchieveIt will proactively communicate with should we encounter any API failure.
- Export the plan item identifiers used to associate imported data to a plan item. For any plan that you are an admin of, you must go to one of the following locations and click Export External IDs to export the IDs for that plan:
- Plans page row action menu
- List view row action menu for the plan-level item
- Plan item modal options dropdown for the plan-level item
Submitting Data
Submit data through the API by making an HTTP POST request containing a data file to the endpoint relevant to the type of data you're publishing. For example, if you are submitting progress update data, you would call the "progressupdates" endpoint:
- Government environment (use this if you login to<filename of CSV>
- Non-government environment (use this if you login to<filename of CSV>
You must include the API key as part of an authorization header. The header needs to be in the following form:
Authorization: API-KEY <YOUR_API_KEY>
Include your data file in the body of the request.
For example, with a data file named "my_updates.csv" and an API key of "12004478285f4f4eb21cd25e62ba5eb7", your request would look like one of the following:
// Bash (Non-Government environment)
curl -L -XPOST \
-H "Authorization: API-KEY 12004478285f4f4eb21cd25e62ba5eb7" \
--data-binary "Path_To_File_On_Harddrive/my_updates.csv" \
// PowerShell (Non-Government environment)
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" `
-Method Post `
-Headers @{ "Authorization" = "API-KEY 12004478285f4f4eb21cd25e62ba5eb7" } `
-InFile "Path_To_File_On_Harddrive/my_updates.csv" `
-ContentType "application/octet-stream"
// Bash (Government environment)
curl -L -XPOST \
-H "Authorization: API-KEY 12004478285f4f4eb21cd25e62ba5eb7" \
--data-binary "Path_To_File_On_Harddrive/my_updates.csv" \
// PowerShell (Government environment)
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" `
-Method Post `
-Headers @{ "Authorization" = "API-KEY 12004478285f4f4eb21cd25e62ba5eb7" } `
-InFile "Path_To_File_On_Harddrive/my_updates.csv" `
-ContentType "application/octet-stream"
In the above examples, ensure you replace "Path_To_File_On_Harddrive" with the actual file path. The API responds with a Job ID and the 200 OK HTTP status code to indicate the request has been successfully queued.
Checking on Status of Data Processing
The API does not process import requests immediately or synchronously. It pushes each request to a queue and the system subsequently processes the updates. Except for the cases of invalid requests (authorization header is missing or is malformed, unexpected server error, etc.), your HTTP request should immediately return with a 200 OK response as well as a Job ID which you can use to query the status of your batch update request.
You can check the status of an update by making an HTTP GET request to the "status" endpoint corresponding with the type of data, such as in the following example for submitting progress updates:
- Non-government environment:<JOB_ID>
- Government environment:<JOB_ID>
The system will respond with an HTTP status code indicating the state that your request is currently in:
- 202 Accepted: Request is received or is currently being processed
- 200 OK: Request has been successfully processed
- 400 Bad Request: Request has failed to be processed
- 500 Server Error: Request has failed to be processed
An example request with the same API key as before and a job ID of 2bf2dda7-2aa4-4345-b6a8-8070d6ceec39:
// Bash (Non-government environment)
curl -i -XGET \
-H "Authorization: API-KEY 12004478285f4f4eb21cd25e62ba5eb7" \
// PowerShell (Non-government environment)
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" `
-Method Get `
-Headers @{ "Authorization" = "API-KEY 12004478285f4f4eb21cd25e62ba5eb7" }
// Bash (Government environment)
curl -i -XGET \
-H "Authorization: API-KEY 12004478285f4f4eb21cd25e62ba5eb7" \
// PowerShell (Government environment)
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" `
-Method Get `
-Headers @{ "Authorization" = "API-KEY 12004478285f4f4eb21cd25e62ba5eb7" }
Data File
For most endpoints, you submit data in a file that you post through the HTTP request. The data file will typically be a structured format such as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file that allows you to submit multiple records in one request.
For most endpoints, the following rules apply to CSV data files:
- You can choose to include or exclude column headers. If you choose to include them, the first column must be labeled External ID.
- Columns must be in the same order as shown in the template for each data file type.
- The CSV file must not contain any empty rows.
Refer to the specific help articles and API documentation for each endpoint to see the details of the layout of each data file.
Additional Documentation on Submitting Data
Read more about how to submit each different type of data into a plan:
Exporting Plan Data
In addition to publishing progress update and metric data into your plans, you can also export plan data through the REST API. You might want to do this if you are making your own backups of plan information, or if you want to take some pieces of the data being tracked in plans and include it in your own data management systems.
To export plan data you will need an API key associated with a user who has rights to access the plan you are trying to export.
Additional Documentation on Exporting Plan Data
Read more about how to submit each different type of data into a plan:
In order to ensure the security of your data, the each request to the API must meet the following security requirements:
- API Key: Each request must contain the API Key in the request header.
- HTTPS: Each request must be made using HTTPS.