All New: MultiPlan View


We are happy to announce the new version of MultiPlan View.

The new version of MultiPlan View now has two different flows, Build Your Own Search and Run Saved Search. 

Build Your Own Search

When you navigate to MultiPlan View, you will be on the Build Your Own Search tab. From here, you are able to add plan and plan item filters to the search criteria. After your filters are selected, you can execute the search to see the results or you can save the current search criteria into a Saved Search.

Here are some new features added:

  • Filter on Plan State - You can now search across all Active, Inactive, and Archived plans. We’ve also added those filter options within the Individual Plans drop down menu to allow the user to easily find individual plans.
  • Update Status filter - You can now filter items on the status of updates in both MultiPlan View and List View. An additional Pending pie slice has also been added to the Progress Update Widget.
    • Up-to-Date - This will show plan items with only completed updates.
    • Pending - This will show plan items with at least one pending update request and no late updates.
    • Late - This will show plan items with at least one late update.
  • Due Date filter - Not Past Due has been added as a filter selection and Is Past Due has been moved into the Due Date filter.
  • Additional filters - We have move the other additional filters into a drop down menu from being check boxes on the filter panel.
    • Show Parking Lot Items - This can be used to show items that are in the Parking Lot
    • Exclude Linked Items - We've added the ability to exclude linked items from your search results

Run Saved Search


When you switch over to the Run Saved Search tab, you will be able to run existing Saved Searches that either you have created yourself or ones you have been given permission to view.

Saved Search Management


We've now made it easier to manage Saved Searches quickly from the Run Saved Search tab.

  • Create New - This will allow you to create a new Saved Search from the existing selected Saved Search criteria.
  • Rename - Now you can rename a Saved Search quickly.
  • Archive - You can now Archive a Saved Search from MultiPlan View.
  • Delete - You can still have the ability to delete a Saved Search.

Displaying the Search Results


We've brought a lot of the favorite features of List View and incorporated them into the new MultiPlan View. Now when a search is executed, both the Charts and Lists show automatically which surfaces more information to the user initially.

Here are some other features we have added:


  • Column Layout - You now have the ability to choose which columns and what order they show for you in MultiPlan View.
    • Grouping and Column layout preference - Now that you can set your Column Layout and Grouping preference, this can now be saved with the Saved Search details. When a user views that Saved Search, they will see the Column Layout and Grouping you applied.
  • Freeze columns - You will be able to freeze columns. If you freezes a column that is outside of their viewable area, a toast message will show and the you can unfreeze the column through that toast message. 
  • Resizing columns - You now have the ability to resize your columns. The column size will remain the same for you every time you visit MultiPlan View.
  • New Grouping option - You can now group your search results by Plan State.
  • Jump To - Once a Grouping is applied, the Jump To functionality will populate. This will allow you to "jump" around to different grouping in your list by either selecting a specific Grouping from the drop down menu or interacting with the up or down arrows.
  • New Pending pie slice - We've added a new slice of pie to the Progress Update widget to visually show the Pending items.
  • Plan Name navigation - You can now navigate to a plan from your search results by clicking the plan name in the Plan Name column. This will open the plan up in another browser tab.


Read more about MultiPlan View here: