Edit a Card Level
If you’ve decided that the level of an item needs to be changed, you can do so once you open the plan item's details.
Navigate to the plan item you wish to change and pulled up the detailed view.
Once opened, locate the 'Details and Dependencies' section and click 'Edit'.
Edit the Level of your item by clicking into the 'Level' drop-down menu and making the appropriate selection, then click the ‘Save’ button in the bottom right-hand corner to complete the change.
Note: after you exit out of the plan item's details, it will have a new level name but will remain in the same location within the plan until you move it. You can move an item by dragging and dropping it to the appropriate location on Tree View.
If the Edit button is not available for any of the sections, it is because you have not been given editing permissions for that item or plan. Contact your plan administrator for assistance.