Adding Historical Update Data

Occasionally, users will need to submit Progress Updates for time periods that have already passed. In this scenario, the user can backdate Progress Updates in AchieveIt. 

How to Backdate Updates

1. Navigate to the plan item that requires updates. In this example, we'll find the item in List View.

2. Open the plan item. In the example below, ‘Increase New Business Revenue by 10%’ is selected.


3. In the Plan Item, click on the blue 'Update Progress' button, found at the top of the timeline.


4. When prompted to provide a status update, make sure to choose a backdated date that falls within the preferred reporting period. Next, select the appropriate status for this reporting period. If tracking a metric, the user can add an updated metric value to this update as well. It is also best practice to add a comment to an update in order to provide context to any progress made on the item.


5. Click on the blue 'Submit' button to submit the Status Update. The Timeline shows updates in chronological order with the newest items at the top. This means that the update may not show at the top of the list.
