You've built a great plan - now it's time to start tracking progress. In just a few clicks, you can schedule your progress updates and reports for other stakeholders.
Step 1: Scheduling a Report
Scheduling a report is easier than ever. If you like to receive report emails on a certain time or date, watch the video or follow these simple steps below:
1. Click the Reports option in the main navigation bar.
2. Once you are in the 'Reports' screen, click on the report you would like to schedule. For this example, we will use the Multi-Plan View Report.
3. Under the Multi-Plan Report View, you can select the saved searches you've created, then click on the 'Schedule a Report Email' button.
4. Next, select:
- How often you'd like to send the report (weekly, monthly, or quarterly)
- The users to whom you wish to send the report
- The subject line
- What day and time you'd like the emails to be sent
5. For 'Monthly' reports, you will have to choose the specific date that you want the report to send. For example, the report below is sent on the 3rd of every month.
6. For the 'Quarterly' report, you will need to choose how many days into the quarter you want the report to be sent. For example, the report below will be sent in the middle of the quarter, as it will be sent 45 days after the start of the quarter.
You also have the option to choose if you want the report to be sent out after the start of the quarter or before the end of the quarter.
7. Once you have made your changes, click 'Submit'.