Understanding User Types and Permissions

Which functionality and data a user can access in AchieveIt is controlled by three types of rights:

  • The User Type assigned to the user
  • The plan role or plan item role the user is assigned for each plan
  • The additional User Manager permission

User Types

Each user must be assigned a user type in order to access a customer's AchieveIt organization account. The user type controls what features and functions are available to the user. AchieveIt has three standard user types:

User Type Permissions
Full Access
  • Create plans
  • Add and edit plan items
  • Be a top-level Admin on a plan (see plan item roles below)
  • Run MultiPlan reports
  • Create saved searches
  • Create and view custom dashboards
  • Run and schedule reports
  • View My, Team, and Organization dashboards

Note that the plan data a full access user can see is still limited to only the specific plans on which that user has been assigned a plan role or plan item role.

  • View plans the user is assigned to
  • Create and view custom dashboards
  • Run and schedule reports
  • View My, Team, and Organization dashboards
External Contributor
  • View My and Team dashboards
  • View only the plan items to which the user is assigned


Plan and Plan Item Roles

Within each plan, a user can be assigned to one or more roles for the plan and individual plan items within the plan.


Role Plan Permissions Plan Item Permissions Other Notes
  • Set plan start and due dates
  • Activate, Deactivate, and Archive plan
  • Change plan name
  • All Plan Item permissions
  • Change plan item name
  • Set start and due dates
  • Changed Assigned To user and update frequency
  • Define metrics and metric goals
  • Set and remove plan item roles for other users
  • Perform all actions available to the Assigned To user
  • Modify progress updates, metric updates, and comments made by other users on a plan item.
  • The Admin role cascades down to all child plan items aligned to that initial plan item or to all items in the plan if the user is an Admin on the plan.
  • In order to be assigned the Admin role, a user must be assigned as a Full Access user type.
  • Can be a user or a team.
Assigned To
  • None
  • Receive scheduled progress update requests
  • Submit progress and metric updates
  • Add comments
  • Modify progress updates, metric updates, and comments submitted by self.
  • Upload and update files
  • Role does not cascade down to child plan items.
  • Can be a user with any user type.
  • Can only be a user.
  • None
  • All permissions of the Assigned To user except received scheduled progress updates.
  • Role does not cascade down to child plan items.
  • Can be a user with any user type.
  • Can be a user or a team.


Additional notes on plan and plan item roles:

  • If a user is assigned to any role on any item in a plan, that user will be able to see the entire plan. The user will only be able to make changes to each plan item, however, based on the role the user has on that plan item.


User Manager Permission

There is a special User Manager permissions that can be assigned to an individual user that gives that user rights to manage users, teams, and configuration options for the entire organization account. A user who has the User Manager permission will have access to the "Admin" menu. Because this permission gives the user privileges to change organization-wide settings, User Manager rights should only be assigned to a limited number of fully-trained users.