Organization Dashboard

Organization Dashboard is a standard dashboard in AchieveIt that provides insight into the current performance of all your plans in one view.

Accessing Organization Dashboard

Click the 'Dashboard' drop-down menu, then click 'Organization Dashboard'.


Using Organization Dashboard

When first navigating to the dashboard, you'll begin in a default state showing aggregate summary information for all currently active plans that you have access to in AchieveIt. 


You can review individual plan performance by using the dropdown menu at the top of the page to select an individual plan.   


You can customize your view by selecting pie or donut charts on the page. Click the chart icon to toggle donut charts on. Charts on the Organization Dashboard are also clickable. Click a slice of your pie or donut chart to view details about items in a certain status. 


You can also download your Organization Dashboard as a PDF. Click the download icon in the top right-hand corner of the page.