Configuring AchieveIt SSO with Azure SAML

  1. Contact AchieveIt to request Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL).
  2. Sign in to the Azure portal as a cloud application admin, or an application admin for your Azure AD tenant.
  3. Navigate to Azure Active Directory > Enterprise applications and select + New application. Select + Create your own application. Enter AchieveIt as the name and select Create.


4. Under the Manage section, select Single sign-on and select


5. Edit Basic SAML Configuration. Enter Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) provided by AchieveIt. Select Save.

6. (Optional) Edit User Attributes & Claims. Ensure user.mail claim is available. Other optional claims can be removed.


7. Under SAML Signing Certificate, download Certificate (Base64).

8. Send AchieveIt this certificate and Login URL.

9. AchieveIt will configure the connection using the information you provide. After we contact you to let you know the configuration is complete, the final step is for your team to test the configuration and ensure you can login to AchieveIt with SSO credentials.