Previous Article: Giving Access: Assigned To, Members, and Administrators
Files can be uploaded to individual plan items. Once a file is uploaded, anyone that has access to that plan item has the ability to download that file, upload a new version of it, lock it for editing, and even rename the file.
The Files Section
The Files section is located on the right side of the Plan Item Card. In the Files section you can add and manage the Files that are associated with a Plan Item. Each Plan Item can have an unlimited number of files and anyone who is an Administrator, Member, or the Assigned To user on a Plan Item has the ability to add or manage these files.
To view the files associated with your Plan Item, navigate to the Files section on the Plan Item Card and expand the section (if it isn’t already) by clicking on the down arrow in the section header.
The Files section
If files have been uploaded to the plan item, you will see them in the Files section list. If no files have been uploaded, you will see a message that says “No files have been added to this item”.
If a file has had multiple versions uploaded for it, you will see an arrow to the left of the row. Clicking on this arrow will show all of the files past versions as children underneath it.
Older versions of a file, shown as children of the most recent version
To quickly find a specific file you can use the Find File search function at the top of the files section. There is also a count of the total files attached to a plan item in the top right corner of the Files section.
The find file textbox
Adding a File
To add a file, click “Add File” or drag and drop a file from your computer into the Files section. You can also click on the “Add Files” button in the button bar above the timeline. You will be presented with your internet browser’s file finder. Select you file you would like to add and submit it. A loading spinner will show next to the file while it is uploading.
Once the file has been uploaded you will see the file name, how many versions of the file there are, who it was last modified by, and the date it was last modified.
Downloading a File
You can download a file by navigating to the … menu to the right of a file row in the Files section and selecting the “Download” option. After clicking the “Download” option, you will see a gray notification in the bottom right-hand corner of the window that says “Waiting on your file to download…”.
The download file option
Once the file is ready to download, a blue notification will show up with the file name. Click on this notification to download your file.
The download notification
Uploading a New File Version
You can upload a new version of a file by navigating to the … menu to the right of a file row in the Files section and selecting the “Upload New Version” option. Note that only the user who uploaded the file and Administrators can upload a new version of a file.
The Upload New Version option
After selecting the option, you will be presented with your internet browser’s file finder. Select you file you would like to upload and submit it.
A loading spinner will show next to the new version while it is uploading. After the upload is done, the file information will be updated to show the new version. Uploading a new file version generates a timeline entry that shows the old and new file version names, the date and time the new file version was uploaded, and who uploaded the new version.
The New File Version Uploaded timeline entry
You can find the previous version(s) of the file by clicking on the arrow to the left of the file row. All of the old file versions will show up as children below the new version.
Locking and Unlocking Files
Locking a file ensures that no other users can make changes to it.
You can lock a file by navigating to the … menu to the right of a file row in the Files section and selecting the “Lock File” option. Note that only the user who uploaded the file and Administrators can lock a file.
The Lock File option
While a file is locked, only the locking user can make changes to it (e.g. rename, upload new versions, etc). You can see whether a file is locked or not (and who locked it) by looking at the “Locked” column in the Files list. If a file is locked you will see the locking users initials in this column. Hover over the initials to get more information about who and when the file was locked.
The Locked file indicator
If you lock a file, you can unlock it by navigating to the … menu to the right of a file row in the Files section and selecting the “Unlock File” option. Administrators can also unlock files, which may come in handy if someone forgets to unlock a file.
Renaming a File
You can rename a file by navigating to the … menu to the right of a file row in the Files section and selecting the “Rename” option. Note that only the user who uploaded the file and Administrators can rename a file.
The Rename option
Selecting the “Rename” option in the menu will show a popup with a textbox allowing you to change the name of the file. After making the edits you want to the file name, click on the “Rename” button. The file name will update everywhere within the timeline and in the Files section.
The rename file popup
Deleting a File
You can delete a file by navigating to the … menu to the right of a file row in the Files section and selecting the “Delete” option. Note that only the user who uploaded the file and Administrators can delete a file.
The delete option
After selecting the “Delete” option a popup will show asking whether or not you’d like to delete the file. If you are comfortable with deleting the file permanently, click on the “Delete” button at the bottom of the popup. If you would rather not delete the file, click on the “Cancel” button.
The delete file popup
Once deleted, the file is removed from the Files section list and all timeline entries are removed.
Limits on File Type and File Size
Although you can upload any type of file to AchieveIt, your organization's Internet security rules may prevent you from uploading specific file types.
The maximum size of any file you upload to AchieveIt is 50 megabytes.