Recent Customer Webinars


January 2025

Setting a Foundation for Strategic Planning + Execution in 2025

In this month's webinar, Daniel Griffin, Senior Strategy Consultant, and Eddie Orzechowski, Strategy Consultant, reviewed actionable insights and tools to align your team, set clear goals, and navigate challenges, ensuring a seamless path to achieving your business objectives.

Topics from this webinar included:

  • Kicking off 2025 with big ideas
  • Planning fundamentals
  • Frameworks for planning
  • Setting yourself up for successful execution

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November 2024

Product Update - A Conversation Covering New & Upcoming Features

In our recent monthly webinar series, Product Managers Brad Higgs and Rachel Santos reviewed the platform's recent enhancements and upcoming features.
Topics from this webinar included:
  • Features available now 
  • Features that are coming up next
  • Customer Q&A

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October 2024

Prepare for 2025: Closing Out & Kicking Off Your New Plan in AchieveIt

In this month's webinar, George Sparrow, Customer Education Manager, and Steven Kukuk, Customer Success Manager, discuss how to effectively close out your year in AchieveIt and successfully launch the next.

Topics covered during the webinar:

  • The compounding benefits of better plan execution
  • How to conduct a retrospective of your plan
  • Effectively closing out your existing plan
  • How to properly kick off your new plan

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September 2024

AchieveIt Champion Chat: Ongoing Change Communication & Building Sustainment

In this month's webinar, Daniel Griffin, Senior Strategy Consultant, Eddie Orzechowski, Strategy Consultant, and other AchieveIt champions, share insights on maximizing long-term success with the platform.

Topics covered during the webinar:

  • Building sustainability for a resilient organization
  • Client Discussion: Leading change at their organization
  • Tools for managing resistance/change management to adoption
  • Making AchieveIt the ‘new normal’ within your organization

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August 2024 

Product Update - A Conversation Covering New & Upcoming Features

In our recent monthly webinar series, Product Managers Brad Higgs and Rachel Santos reviewed recent enhancements and upcoming features for the platform.
Topics from this webinar included:
  • Features available now 
  • Features that are coming up next
  • Customer Q&A

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July 2024

Tips & Tricks in AchieveIt - Part 2: Advanced Features

In this month's webinar, Customer Success Managers Samantha Lebrija and Colin Kiely hosted the second installment of the "Advanced Features in AchieveIt" series, covering:

  • Advanced metrics/roll-up items
  • Bulk edit tags
  • Custom Dashboard efficiencies
  • And more...

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June 2024

Tips & Tricks in AchieveIt: Building Proficiency

Haleigh Williams, Senior Customer Success Manager, and Lindsey LeFaivre, Director of Customer Success, hosted the newest installment focusing on sharing ways users can build their proficiency within the platform through time-saving tips and available features in AchieveIt.

During our time together we will cover topics such as:

  • Leveraging Bulk Edit
  • Filter Tricks
  • Duplicating Saved Searches
  • Customizing and Copying Widgets/Dashboards
  • Scheduled Reports

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May 2024

Customer Roundtable - Breakout for Healthcare, Government, and Dashboard Best Practices

We hosted a virtual AchieveIt Customer Roundtable on Thursday, May 16th at 12pm EST. This session will be hosted by AchieveIt’s own, Lindsey LeFaivre, Director of Customer Success, Amanda Cyr, Government Team Manager, and Samantha Lebrija, Customer Success Manager. 

We broke into 3 groups: healthcare, government, and a breakout room for dashboard best practices.
Topics covered during the webinar:
  • Use cases that are being tracked in AchieveIt
  • Challenges are you trying to overcome
  • Best practices that we have seen over the years to be successful
  • Connecting with fellow AchieveIt customers

     →   Watch Healthcare Recording
     →   Watch Government Recording
     →   Watch Dashboard Best Practices Recording

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April 2024

Product Update - A Conversation Covering New & Upcoming Features

In our recent monthly webinar series, Product Managers Brad Higgs and Rachel Santos reviewed recent enhancements and upcoming features for the platform.
Topics from this webinar included:
  • Features available now 
  • Features that are coming up next
  • Customer Q&A

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March 2024

How to Sustain the Momentum After Launching a Plan in AchieveIt

Hosted by AchieveIt’s own Sam Rosen, Strategy Consultant, and Daniel Griffin, Senior Strategy Consultant, this webinar continues the discussion had in February about maintaining momentum.

We will include actionable steps that you can take with your organization to ensure your plan remains a focus today and beyond.

Topics covered include:

  • Monitoring adoption and maintaining engagement
  • Communication strategies and building support internally
  • Utilizing dashboards to consume reports regularly
  • Potential pitfalls to avoid and customer stories

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February 2024

Mastering Strategic Plan Momentum: Proven Tactics for Sustaining Success Within Your Strategic Plan

Join Lindsey LeFaivre, Director of Customer Success, and Daniel Griffin, Sr. Strategy Consultant, as they are joined by Sr. VP of Strategy Consulting, Joe Krause, to discuss:

  • How high-performing organizations are continuing to effectively execute their plans
  • Ways to keep leadership engaged in the process
  • Common pitfalls to avoid
  • Actionable ways you can use AchieveIt to maintain momentum

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January 2024

Customer Roundtable - Breakout for government, healthcare, and all other verticals

We hosted a virtual AchieveIt Customer Roundtable on Thursday, January 18th at 12pm EST. This session will be hosted by AchieveIt’s own, Lindsey LeFaivre, Director of Customer Success, Haleigh Williams, Sr. Customer Success Manager, and Amanda Cyr, Government Team Manager. 

We broke into 3 groups that consist of our government, healthcare, and all other industry customers.
Topics covered during the webinar:
  • Use cases that are being tracked in AchieveIt
  • Challenges are you trying to overcome
  • Best practices that we have seen over the years to be successful
  • Connecting with fellow AchieveIt customers

     →   Watch Healthcare Recording
     →   Watch Government Recording
     →   Watch All Verticals Recording

Customer Newsletter - Webinar - January 2024.png


November 2023 

Product Update - A Conversation Covering New & Upcoming Features

In our recent monthly webinar series, Danny Sehr, Chief Executive Officer, and Brad Higgs, Product Manager, reviewed recent enhancements and upcoming features for the platform.
Topics from this webinar included:
  • Features available now 
  • Features that are coming up next
  • Customer Q&A

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October 2023

Maximizing AchieveIt Dashboards in Meetings: Board and Executive Expectations

As we approach the end of the calendar year, a question we often get is “How can we show our board or executive team all the hard work we’ve done?” or “What are the best practices for using AchieveIt in meetings?”

Hosted by AchieveIt’s own, Lindsey LeFaivre, Director of Customer Success, Sam Rosen, Strategy Consultant, and Eddie Orzechowski, Strategy Consultant.

During our time together, we’ll cover topics such as:

  • Hear from a member of the AchieveIt executive team about what they look for in a good dashboard
  • Best practices for creating a good dashboard in AchieveIt
  • Utilizing the dashboard in a board or executive team meeting

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September 2023 

Customer Roundtable - Breakout for government, healthcare, and all other verticals

We are hosting a virtual AchieveIt Customer Roundtable on Wednesday, September 20th at 12 pm EST. This session will be hosted by AchieveIt’s own, Lindsey LeFaivre, Director of Customer Success, Haleigh Williams, Customer Success Manager, and George Sparrow, Senior Customer Success Manager. 

This session is going to only be offered to current AchieveIt customers and we will be breaking into 3 groups that consist of our government, healthcare, and all other vertical customers.
Topics covered during the webinar:
  • What use cases are being tracked in AchieveIt?
  • What use cases would you like to track?
  • What challenges are you trying to overcome?
  • Best practices that we have seen over the years to be successful
  • Connecting with fellow AchieveIt customers

     →   Watch Healthcare Recording
     →   Watch Government Recording
     →   Watch All Verticals Recording

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August 2023

Customer Interview - A Conversation with Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers

Be part of an engaging sitdown interview featuring Kimberly Renspie, Director of Strategic Initiatives at Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers, as she joins Rachel Santos, Sr. Customer Success Manager. Together, they delve into the realm of strategy execution and share insights from one of our amazing customers.

Topics from this webinar included:

  • What method(s) FCCC was using before adopting AchieveIt
  • The primary obstacles they faced
  • The role of AchieveIt in addressing these challenges
  • How AchieveIt contributed to their organizational success 

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July 2023

Product Update - A Conversation Covering New & Upcoming Features

In our recent monthly webinar series, Danny Sehr, Chief Operating Officer, and Brad Higgs, Product Manager, reviewed recent enhancements and upcoming features for the platform.
Topics from this webinar included:
  • Features available now 
  • Features that are coming up next
  • Customer Q&A



June 2023

Customer Roundtable: Breakout for Non-profit, Government, and Healthcare Customers

We are hosting a virtual AchieveIt Customer Roundtable on Tuesday, June 20th at 12 pm EST. This session will be hosted by AchieveIt’s own, Lindsey LeFaivre, Director of Customer Success, Haleigh Williams, Customer Success Manager, and Amanda Cyr, Government Market Director, Team Lead.

This session is going to only be offered to current AchieveIt customers and we will be breaking into 3 groups that consist of our non-profit, government, and healthcare customers.

Topics we’ll be covering include:

  • What use cases are being tracked in AchieveIt?
  • What use cases would you like to track?
  • What challenges are you trying to overcome?
  • Best practices that we have seen over the years to be successful

        Watch Healthcare Recording
        Watch Government Recording
        Watch Non-profit Recording



April 2023

Building Public Dashboards: Automate Real-Time Reporting for Stakeholders

What does the thought of automated reporting to the public stir up for you: Exhilaration, Heartburn, or a bit of both?

Many organizations we work with are moving towards greater transparency with the public. So how do you get started and what might this even look like?

Public Dashboards are a big priority for many customers initially. However, few have completed the process, and this is where we will spend our time today.

Topics from this webinar included:

  • Getting the basics in place
  • Building buy-in/support
  • Examples from other customers



March 2023

Product Update - A Conversation Covering New & Upcoming Features

In our recent monthly webinar series, Danny Sehr, Chief Operating Officer, and Brad Higgs, Product Manager, reviewed recent enhancements and upcoming features for the platform.
Topics from this webinar included:
  • Features available now 
  • Features that are coming up next
  • Customer Q&A



February 2023

The Success Flywheel: Fundamentals to Maintaining Momentum 

Join us on Tuesday, February 14th, 2023, at 12:00 PM EST for our newest installment of the AchieveIt Webinar Series titled “The Success Flywheel: Fundamentals to Maintaining Momentum.” This webinar will be hosted by AchieveIt’s own Laura Tamberelli, Strategy Consultant, and Haleigh Williams, Customer Success Manager.

During our time together we will cover topics such as:

  • Introducing the Success Flywheel
  • Building Momentum
  • The Flywheel Effect
  • Maintaining Consistency & What to Look Out for



January 2023

Join Saarah Young, Enterprise Account Executive, and Laura Tamberelli, Strategy Consultant, in this special webinar focused on starting the new year with strong strategic foundations. Our hosts will discuss best practices to achieve your strategic goals through planning, process, and implementation.

Topics covered during the webinar:

  • Best practices to achieve your strategic goals through planning, process, and implementation
  • How to develop a strategy-led foundation
  • How to leverage people & processes to support your goals



December 2022

The 4 Stages of Cultural Evolution

We will discuss the 4 Stages of Cultural Evolution that every organization progresses through in terms of Execution. Understanding what stage your organization is in will allow you to make practical changes to execute more efficiently and achieve more.

Please join Daniel and Joe in a lively discussion on:

  • Using a simple tool to identify your current cultural stage
  • Best practices to evolve to the next stage



October 2022

Understanding the 5 Elements Every Plan Needs and Why They Matter

You heard us discuss the importance of these five critical plan elements during your planning implementation and likely through its execution as well. They remain just as important now as they were then! Strategic planning and execution are an ever-evolving process – one focused on progress, not perfection. So, it is imperative to keep these plan elements in mind as you work through your plan and think toward its future revisions.

In our upcoming webinar, we will highlight not only the importance of the “critical five” but also the “why” behind each of them as they align with the Project Management Institute’s execution methodology.

Topics to include:

  • Quantitative outcomes – What are they and how do they drive execution?
  • Ownership – How do you identify and engage your key stakeholders and contributors?
  • Due dates – Why do they matter?
  • Cadence of accountability – How does this differ from ownership and what does it achieve
  • Alignment – How can you design a strategic structure of transparency, collaboration, and understanding?



September 2022

The Do's and Don'ts for Successful Implementation and Adoption

Saarah Young and Haleigh Williams discuss best practices on how to successfully implement new groups and plans within AchieveIt. Throughout this discussion, they will unpack impactful moments where current clients achieved results and share helpful tips on how to identify the right people, compare the appropriate groups/plans, & build support throughout your organization to strengthen adoption.

Topics covered during the webinar:

  • Best practices on how to successfully implement new groups and plans within AchieveIt
  • Impactful moments shared where current clients achieved results
  • Shared helpful tips on how to identify the right people
  • Compared the appropriate groups/plans & build support throughout your organization to strengthen adoption



July 2022 

Planning Retreats 101: How To Prepare, Conduct, and Follow-up

For many of you, summertime isn’t just a season to spend time in the great outdoors or to read a book on the beach, it’s time for strategic planning retreats! At AchieveIt we always stress the importance of creating the best plan possible by engaging with the right stakeholders. This in principle seems fairly easy but in practice planning, conducting, and following up post-retreat can be quite tricky. Have no fear because we’re dedicating an entire webinar to get you ready to be a strategic planning retreat guru.  

During our time together we will cover topics such as: 

  • What’s the best way to prepare for your upcoming planning retreat? 
  • How do you structure your agenda to create the best outcome for your retreat? 
  • What happens now? We’ll discuss the ideal way to follow-up post-retreat 
  • Best practices to ensure your plan is loaded properly into AchieveIt 



May 2022

Do You Know the TRUE Status of Your Plan? Common Pitfalls with Status Updates

Have you ever believed that everything was on track and going great within your plan, only to discover at the end of the fiscal year that several items were not achieved or truly even on track? Or perhaps you’ve reviewed progress updates and the status doesn’t quite make sense or the commentary leaves you with additional questions? Unfortunately, this is something that is more common all of us would like to admit. In this session, Lindsey and Jasmine will walk through why this might be happening, how to see if it is happening at your organization and what you can do to combat it.

During our time together we covered topics such as:

  • Statistics on status utilization in AchieveIt
  • Why certain status lights have a negative perception
  • Approaches to prevent inaccurate and incomplete progress reporting
  • Best practices to ensure you have visibility into the full picture



April 2022 

AchieveIt Customer Roundtable

We, at AchieveIt, have heard your feedback about your desire to connect with other AchieveIt clients loud and clear so it’s my pleasure to invite you to join us on Thursday, April 7th, at noon EST for an AchieveIt Customer Roundtable. This webinar will be hosted by AchieveIt’s own Joe Krause, M.S., MBA and VP of Customer Engagement, George Sparrow Senior Customer Success Manager, and Stu Childs Senior Strategy Consultant.

The goal of the Customer Roundtable is to provide a platform for you to connect with other AchieveIt clients in real-time so you can discuss best practices, successes, and challenges. Each room will be hosted by one of our three AchieveIt hosts who will work to jumpstart the conversation and discussion.

We created three breakout rooms during our time together including:

- A specialized room for our healthcare clients hosted by George Sparrow
- A specialized room for our government clients hosted by Stu Childs
- A generally focused room for clients outside of healthcare and government hosted by Joe Krause



February 2022

AchieveIt Dashboard Best Practices in Action: A Live Working Session

One of the top questions we get from our clients is, what does a good dashboard look like? What are top clients doing and do you have examples? Since it’s our most asked question you might be thinking the same. We aim to solve this with a new approach to our webinar format.
We’ve designed this webinar to be broken into two parts. In the first half of the hour, we’ll discuss best practices at a high level and share examples of what “good” looks like. Then in the second half, you’ll be invited to break into smaller groups where a member of the AchieveIt team will lead you through building a dashboard of your own, live on the webinar!

During our time together we will cover topics such as:
  • What makes a dashboard effective?
  • What questions should you ask yourself as you're creating a dashboard?
  • What’s the appropriate size of a dashboard?
  • What are other clients doing with their dashboards?
  • What’s the best way to present a dashboard in 2022?

Dashboard type recordings:



January 2022

Strategy Execution: A Discussion About Public Sector Planning

As we enter the new year the time to discuss issues impacting strategy formulation execution is now. Our panel will engage in an interactive discussion where they will share their experiences planning in the public sector and highlight how they’re approaching the new year. Our three panelists represent the entire spectrum of the public sector including federal, state, county, and local governments.

During our time together we will cover topics such as:

  • What’s the role of leadership in strategy execution?
  • What’s the ideal size of a strategic plan?
  • What is data’s role in strategy formulation and execution?
  • How has planning changed now that we’re in a virtual first world?
  • What advice would you give everyone as they enter a new planning cycle?



November 2021 

Is Your Strategic Plan An Operating Plan In Disguise?

Whether you are getting started with AchieveIt or entering a new planning cycle, it can be difficult to determine the structure of your plans. One of those most complex challenges clients face is balancing both the strategic and operational aspects of your planning cycle.

In this session, Joe and Stu will walk everyone through a variety of scenarios giving you the tools to keep your eye on your strategic goals while honoring your operational commitments.

During our time together we will cover topics such as:

  • What is the difference between a strategic plan and an operating plan?
  • Which one is more important?
  • What are three ways you can diagnose the type of plan you actually have?
  • What are the best ways to structure your plans in AchieveIt?
  • How many plan items are too many plan items?
  • What reports should we use?



September 2021

Strategy Execution - A Conversation with RWJBarnabas Health

Each of you is faced with strategy execution obstacles on an everyday basis. One of the best ways to overcome obstacles is to learn from our colleagues about what’s working and not working. 
We're honored to have Annie with us to discuss solutions to the most pressing challenges facing planners today. Annie has spent her career helping organizations execute their plans both at large health systems and in a consulting capacity. 
Some of the topics included:  
  • What’s the role of leadership in strategy execution? 
  • What’s the ideal size of a strategic plan? 
  • What is data’s role in strategy formulation and execution? 
  • How has planning changed now that we’re in a virtual world? 
  • What advice would you give everyone as they enter a new planning cycle? 



August 2021

Maintaining Momentum in the Midst of Burnout

We know many of you are working hard to maintain momentum on your strategic initiatives while also adjusting to new realities and the long-term burnout of coworkers. 

To help, we’ve gathered recent tactics and approaches that have proven helpful to other customers to share with you.

Some of these included in the webinar are:

  • Recognizing and addressing the challenge of burnout
  • How to maintain momentum through fatigue
  • Planning now for useful end of year reporting
  • In-app tips & tricks to make adjustments within the platform easier



May 2021 

Preparing for a Great Year - Starting a New Fiscal Year Plan in AchieveIt

Topics for this webinar include:

  • The compounding benefits of better plan execution
  • How to conduct a retrospective of your plan
  • Effectively closing out your plan
  • How to properly kick off your new plan



April 2021

The Benefits of Getting Internal Communication Right

Previously, we revealed best practices around plan governance and rigor used by customers that have enduring success. A similar topic pivotal to long-term success is internal communication.

We have significant experience helping customers improve communication about their plans and many of you requested this topic specifically.

Topics for this webinar include:

  • How champions drive success with good internal communication
  • Why internal communication is critical for your plans
  • Assessing how you are doing currently
  • Recommendations for easy wins and common pitfalls to avoid
  • Other resources available to you



February 2021

Great Governance Yields Great Results: Applying Best Practices to Ensure Success

Expanding upon our previous webinars, which covered launching new plans and increasing user adoption, this session highlights the rigor our most long-term clients leverage to ensure enduring success.

Topics for this webinar will include the following:

  • Using governance practices to protect your investment in AchieveIt
  • How governance ensures your data is accurate
  • Leveraging documentation to create self-sufficient super users
  • AchieveIt’s Governance Template - Hit the ground running



January 2021

Increase & Sustain User Adoption in 2021

Led by Lindsey LeFaivre, Customer Success Team Lead, Joe Krause, VP of Customer Engagement, and special guest Donna Bradbrook, Strategic Performance Manager of Alachua County, as they reviewed how Donna consistently maintains best in class user engagement.

Some topics include:  

  • How to ensure your users don’t see AchieveIt as “the flavor of the month” 
  • Getting internal buy-in from leadership 
  • Creating an ongoing training program for your users 
  • How Alachua County is using AchieveIt to help gain international recognition for excellence 
  • Tips for getting users to make updates on time  



December 2020

Out with the Old, In with the New: How to Close Out Your Planning Year in AchieveIt

Led by Lindsey LeFaivre, Customer Success Manager Team Lead, Stu Childs, Senior Consultant, and George Sparrow, Senior Customer Success Manager, as they reviewed how to get ready for 2021.

Covered the following steps to accomplish the following:

  • Effectively conduct a retrospective of your plan
  • Start/Stop/Continue is a very simple way to get started
  • Utilize best practices to close out your existing plan
  • Ensure you effectively launch your new plan



November 2020

Leveraging AchieveIt to Accelerate Decision Making and Execution

In our recent monthly webinar series, Joe Krause, VP of Customer Engagement, George Sparrow, Sr. Customer Success Manager, spoke with special guest, Myra Ricceri, Performance Excellence Coordinator from CommonSpirit Health.

Some topics included:  

  • What organizations that execute at a high level do differently 
  • Learn how to focus your meetings for efficient decision making 
  • Internal communication tips to enhance your organization’s effectiveness



On-Demand Webinars

Are You Working on the Right Initiatives?

Your organization’s success revolves around choosing initiatives that have the highest impact on your targeted measures. In many cases, plans are never revisited to ask the question, “Are we working on the right initiatives?”

In this webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Identify missing elements of your plans by aligning activities to objectives
  • Implement predictive reporting to gain decision-making power
  • Decide what to keep/cease/change/amend, and how to pivot mid-plan
  • Decrease the number of urgent distractions, and make more time for innovation