On July 31, 2022, AchieveIt ended official support for the Internet Explorer 11 web browser ("IE") for most parts of the application.
Microsoft has been phasing out its own support for IE since mid-2020, most recently ending support for IE on Office 365 applications in August 2021. Beginning June 15, 2022, Microsoft is ending all primary support for IE, meaning it will not release any new versions or security patches for consumer and most business users. You can read more about the details of Microsoft's IE retirement plan in this Windows Experience blog post.
Because we want to ensure the best experience and security for our customers, we also be ended our support for Internet Explorer for most of the AchieveIt application on July 31, 2022.
Over the coming months we will be displaying in-app announcements to all users explaining that we will be ending support for the Internet Explorer browser. If a user logs into AchieveIt using IE, they will also see additional, more visually-distinct notifications.
Key Dates:
Beginning August 1, 2022 | Any user logging into AchieveIt using Internet Explorer will see a message guiding them to use a modern browser. |
August 1 - December 31, 2022 | Users can still submit progress updates through the Progress Update Page that is accessed through links in progress update notification emails. |
After December 31, 2022 | Any user opens the Progress Update page in IE, will see messaging guiding them to open the page in a modern browser. |
If you have any questions, fill out the Submit Support Ticket Form.