Creating a user account is a simple process that grants others at your organization the ability to access AchieveIt so they can view plans, be assigned plan items, or receive scheduled reports.
Please Note: If you’d like to assign plan items to anyone within your organization, you must first add them as a user.
Adding New Users
1. Make sure you are a User Manager.
2. Select the Admin menu then select the Users option.
3. On the Users page, you can add users one at a time or in bulk via our import template.
To Add a Single User
1. Click the ‘+ Add User’ button at the top of the page.
2. Enter the user’s email address and click the ‘Next’ button to continue.
3. Complete the remaining required fields to create the new users's account, including:
- First and last name
- Initial password - this should be something easy to remember, as they’ll be asked to change their password the first time they login to AchieveIt.
- Select the account type for the user: Full Access, Contributor, or External Contributor
- Select the user’s Time Zone to ensure their emails arrive at the expected time
4. Click the ‘Add User’ button to create your new user and close the 'Add User' menu. You'll see a confirmation message in the bottom right-hand corner of the page and the new user will appear in your User List.
To Add Multiple Users at Once
1. If you want to create multiple users at once, you can utilize our user import template. Click the 'Import Users' button at the top of the page.
2. Download a copy of the standard AchieveIt import template from the 'Import Users' menu
3. Fill out the template with your new user's information. Make sure to complete all fields, including:
- First name
- Last name
- Email address
- License type (Full Access, Contributor, or External Contributor)
- Initial Password (this can be anything – they'll change it the first time they log in)
- Time zone (important for ensuring their emails arrive at the expected time)
4. Once you have completed and saved the template, you can upload it by clicking 'choose file' or dragging and dropping it into the upload zone on the 'Import Users' menu.
4. A confirmation message will appear in the import menu either letting you know that your file is correctly formatted and can be imported or directing you to any errors that need to be corrected. Click 'Import Users' to import your file and complete the setup for your new users.